When we drop the fear and bravely face our Storm with courage, love and trust, the Storm will begin to dissipate. Funny how that's all it takes. So why do we make it so hard on ourselves? Why the fear, drama, the what ifs? Well, because we're human, of course! Don't judge yourself or another from within a Storm experience. Instead, see it for what it is: an opportunity for growth and expansion into new and glorious realms.
Your spirit is longing to soar! Drop your deepest fears, embrace the Storm, and ride out the tempest to a new level of love, light and consciousness! The sun will shine again...and all will be crystal clear, renewed, reinvigored, emanating a new level of Soul light. Now you will be able to hold more of your own light from Home. Now you will be able to radiate more of that light out into the world!
Blessings to all of you going through Storms of your own. Let this amazing energy be a catalyst that propels you exactly where you are meant to be! Surrender, trust and accept, and open to the true gift of Storm in your lives! You are always dearly loved and supported!
Blessings as you successfully weather your Storm! This may be the transition that sets you free!