Look around you! See how much the world has changed in just the last 10 years! We continue to see the fall of institutions, governments, businesses and structures that do not have integrity and the good of all at their core. We, that is all of humanity, as a collective, have brought about this change! It isn't something that has been done to us or for us by sombody or something else. It is we who have brought about the changes through our evolving consciousness. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we are all connected to one another. And as more and more of us awaken each day, the consciousness of Earth vibrates higher, requiring higher choices in all areas of society for all of humanity! We are all in the process of accelerated evolution and ascension! That is not to say that we won't experience growing pains along the way. But that is all part of the journey!
As we do begin to take back our power and remember that we are powerful creator gods having a temporary human experience here on Earth, we can also begin to create more efficiently and effectively. Our thoughts and emotions have power. What we put out into the ethers will come back to us! It's not personal--it's physics in action!
If we endeavor to remain loving, peaceful and grateful in our hearts, we raise our personal vibration, thereby raising the vibration of the whole of humanity and the Earth upon which we live. When we emanate love and peace from our hearts, that is what we will see reflected back to us in our everyday lives. Consequently, if we spew anger, hatred and judgement out into the world, that is what we will see all around us--in our personal relationships, in our work relationships, in the world around us. When we search for and find the God inside each and every one of us, it changes us permanently. It requires an adjustment of beliefs, concepts, judgements, attitudes, thought forms to incorporate the new knowledge. No matter how hard we try to hide from the truth, we cannot "un-know" it. And if we try, more frustration, anger and dis-ease will be the result.
So search, adjust, adapt, test and try these new horizons,these new truths. They are in fact old truths--universal truths--wisdom that is part of who we are, who we have been, and who we will be infinitely and forevermore! They just seem new because they have been hidden from us for so long! Connect with the God inside, your Higher Self, your Angels & guides, and the realm of spirit in whatever form they may appear. And with this host of spiritual assistance, figure out what brings you joy. What is it that you wish to create? What brings you peace? What inspires you? What makes your heart sing? And know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can create anything you wish to create! It just takes a little bit of practice, a tweak here and there, and some experiences to prove it to yourself. But after the initial doubt, confusion and disbelief, you will find it is the most natural process in the universe. It is your natural state of being! You have just forgotten! Go and create the life you wish and the world you wish to live in!
When we live and create from a place of joy, life is indeed a beautiful thing! We must truly believe that we are worthy of anything our heart desires! Once we can do that, we are golden! We just have to remember that we are all pieces of God--creative source energy! And with God inside us, we are all beautiful, benevolent, loving beings at our core, worthy of all the joy and abundance the universe can bestow upon us. We just have to re-learn how to vibrationally draw our desires and our joys to us by embodying the vibration we wish to attract. Then take action that is in alignment with whatever it is that you desire. It is that simple!
And above all, we incarnated here on Earth during this very special time, with a divine mission. We are exactly where we are meant to be and possess all of the tools and assets we need to get the job done. Never forget that! We all have a special purpose and place within the grand scheme that only we can fulfill. We are all integral notes in the symphony of creation, my fellow creator gods and goddesses! It is all vibration and harmony. Never forget the music! If you quiet your body and silence your mind, I bet you can hear it, feel it, and BE it! And what a beautiful song it is: the symphony of an ascending planet!
Love, Light and Many Blessings!