We often need to honor our body, mind and spirit and follow our instincts. Perhaps it may be best for us to miss that party or get-together if we are not feeling up to it. Perhaps we need to allow ourselves to say "no" to those things we really don't want to do. During this season, we seem to be pulled in many directions, often toward people and events for which we feel an obligation. When that is the case, we have three options. The first is to attend the event even when we don't want to do it. This sets us up for having a less than satisfying encounter, which adds to our stress level. The second option is to decline the invitation and to feel good and empowered about our choice, not guilty! The third choice is to reframe the way we approach an event. When we change our perspective and expectations about an "obligation" to seeing it as an opportunity for joyful interaction or a chance to shine our light, the obligation may become a joyful encounter--one that we actually look forward to! You see, it is all a matter of tweaking our perception of the event from fear to love. We don't have to reserve this manner of thinking to the holiday season. We can stand in our full power and do this all year long! What events that you are dreading or feeling obligated to attend are looming on your horizon? What if you choose to see things differently? What if you choose to be joyful and see this as an opportunity to be the living example to others, radiating your love and light, standing in your truth and power? Would that change things?
Also important is to honor our spirit. The natural rhythm of the Earth, to which we are integrally connected, is to slow down, look inward, reflect on what has come to pass, what is, and what may be. It is a time to evaluate our creations of the waning year and to dream of what we will create in the New Year that is just around the corner. Time for meditation, prayer, silent communion with nature and time well-spent with those we love best is what our souls long for at this dark time of year. Allow time for this! Our soul and spirit wants and needs this deep, reverent pause within all the commercial chaos that this season has become. Why don't we choose not to get caught up in the material whirlwind and start new traditions that make our hearts sing?
As we celebrate the return of the Light, whether it be with the Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever beautiful tradition we hold dear, let's remember the true meaning of the holiday. Let's celebrate the Love and Light within our lives, within our families (either biological, social or spiritual), within each and every human on this planet. Let's remember those less fortunate and hold them with love and compassion, perhaps donating our time and energy so that they, too, may feel love and light this season. Each of us holds within our hearts the Light from Home. The more we radiate this light to others, the quicker and more profoundly this world will change for the better.
Take back your power, Lightworkers, Earth Angels! Stand in your full power! We always have a choice. Be the change you want to see. Be the Light you want to feel. Know that we are all exactly where we are meant to be. Be loving, be compassionate, be joyful. Celebrate the season in whatever way soothes and exhilarates your soul! We are all powerful creators with a choice. And no matter the details, the choice always comes down to this: do we choose fear or love?
Best wishes and bright blessings to all of you this holiday season and always!
Love and Light!