The seven and the three
The sacred and the catalyst
All manifest on Earth.
I am the 10 of mastery
and the one of beginnings.
I speak of infinite cycles;
The end of one is merely
the beginning of another
and so on through the infinite spiral
back to Source.
I am the Alpha and the Omega
The beginning and the end
To infinity
No beginning, no end.
I speak of infinite love.
I bring to you the Christ consciousness
in physical form
Crystallized light
So that you may know
What you may become
through love and love alone
For love and light are one
And only love and light exist.
My presence reminds
That you are part of infinite Source.
You are the light of the world,
the light of the infinite Universe.
I teach that your light may be reflected and channeled
in infinite ways
all originally emanating from Divine Source
from whence you came.
Be the love and light that you are
and share this with the Cosmos.
Divine love, Divine light, Divine Source.
I am that I am!
And so it is.
Lori Madzelonka via Dow Crystal channel
April 18, 2014